

The Hydraulic Research Division (WLA), maintains the hydrological and water quality data of surface water in Suriname. WLA falls under the Subdirectorate of Research and Innovation of the Directorate of Research and Services of the Ministry of Public Works. According to the ministry’s organizational chart, WLA consists of three parts, namely Scientific Research, Basic Measurement & Logistics and Administration. Scientific Research is mainly responsible for the processing, storage and analysis of the collected measurement data and its publication as well as conducting scientific research. Basic Monitoring Network and Logistics is mainly responsible for the preparation and implementation of field work, data collection and processing, as well as the logistical facilities of the service. Administration is responsible for the financial and personnel administration of the department as well as other administrative activities.

Our services

Water monitoring service

Setting up and maintaining a basic monitoring network for collecting basic data regarding water. Collecting, processing, analyzing and publishing collected basic data regarding water.

Study and measurement service for water

Carrying out data collection and measurements in the field of water and processing the collected data Carrying out studies and research in the field of water.

Focal point and information center for water

Information and knowledge center for water Water database

Water advisory service

Providing information and advice regarding water Supporting government agencies in water-related activities

Currently, the WLA operates 24 observation stations

This project is supported by the Global Climate Change Alliance Phase 2 (GCCA+) and funded by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and the European Union (EU).

WLA Observation stations at Bigi Pan (left) and Nani Sluis (right)

WLA - Observation Stations

Measuring locations for water quality measurements Greater Paramaribo

Water quality measurement locations Districts